Attached are the meeting minutes from the March 1, 2021 Civic Association meeting.
Month: March 2021
The DCA Board has not met since early 2020. The DCA will begin meeting via Zoom. All residents are encouraged to attend. Invitations/meeting links will be distributed via email. If you would like to be added to the Deerhurst email distribution list, please visit and click on the
appropriate SUBSCRIBE link.
The DCA will hold its first ever Zoom Board meeting on March 1 from 7:00pm – 8:00 pm. The agenda will include: Treasurer’s Report; dues and dues collection; the need for Board and committee participation; Board openings and upcoming elections; Deed Restrictions Committee; upcoming Annual Meeting agenda; and nominations for Board Officers and District Representatives. If attending, please be patient as we try this new format.
The DCA Annual Meeting will be scheduled as soon as is feasible and will be held via Zoom. All residents are encouraged to attend.
Elections for Board officers and odd numbered District Representatives will also be held if the required quorum of dues-paying members is present.
Please consider contributing your time by becoming a member of the DCA Board! There are and will be Officer and Representative vacancies.
2020 and 2021 DUES
2020 Dues: The Board voted in early 2020 to set dues at $40 for all homes plus $10 snow removal fees for interior homes, maintaining 2019 dues amounts. (Exterior homes, located on Concord Pike or Murphy Road, are exempt from the snow removal fee, as the state plows those roads).
2020 dues were collected in some, but not all, of the districts by their respective representatives. The Board apologizes for this confusion. THANK YOU to residents who have submitted their 2020 payments. If you have not paid 2020 dues, please include them with your 2021 payment.
2021 Dues: The Board will vote at the upcoming meeting on 2021 dues and anticipates setting 2021 dues at the same amount as 2020: $40 for all homes plus $10 snow removal fees for interior homes.
Dues payments can be submitted by check or by Venmo (thanks to Treasurer Brandon Weiner for adding the Venmo option!). Checks should be made payable to Deerhurst Civic Association and delivered to your District Representative. Venmo payments should be sent to @BWeiner. Regardless of payment method, please be sure your Deerhurst address is noted to allow for payment tracking.
Deerhurst is a “deed restricted” community. Each of the three areas of Deerhurst has its own set of deed restrictions. The commonality is that: “No building, fence, wall or any other structure shall be erected, altered or placed on any land bounded by this agreement until detailed and adequate plans and specifications of the proposed structure, additional or alteration shall have been submitted in writing and approved in writing by the Deerhurst Civic Association…..”
Simply put, if you are planning any changes to the exterior of your property, including installing sheds, you must submit your plans to the Deed Restrictions Committee for review at Deed restrictions for all Deerhurst properties are on our community website
Please make sure you are cleaning up after you dogs, not just in other people’s yards but in the park areas of Deerhurst as well. Also, per New Castle County Regulation, all dogs are to be kept under restraint (leashed) at all times.
If there is a storm drain in front of your property, you are responsible for keeping it clear of leaves and other debris. Even if there is no storm drain, you are responsible for the street gutters in front of your property. Do not blow or leave yard waste in the streets. Please help keep our roads safe and free from flooding!
COVID did not scuttle this one long-standing Deerhurst tradition! CONGRATULATIONS to the “best” of 2020 winners!
- Best Overall: 14 Hurst
- Best Overall Honorable Mention: 215 Pierce
- Best Door: 210 Jackson
- Best Door Honorable Mention: 17 York
Thank you very much to the 2019 award winners who took the time to choose the 2020 winners. 2020’s winners will select the best of 2021. Good luck!